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23 años,
23 años, de Países Bajos
December 12, 2017 19:41
December 12, 2017 19:41
I have French in school and I could really use some help. I can help you with English or Dutch. Even though I don't think someone wants to learn Dutch 😉
28 años,
28 años, de Bélgica
December 14, 2017 08:36
December 14, 2017 08:36
Hi 😃 If you want I can help you with French and if possible you could help me to improve my English 😁
25 años,
25 años, de Francia
December 14, 2017 14:36
December 14, 2017 14:36
Mmh personally i want learn dutch ahah but if you want I can help you and you do the same for me I English ? 🙂
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