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36, 오스트리아에서 옴
자유로운 멤버
February 05, 2015 12:11
February 05, 2015 12:11
Please. I need help with learning french. I learned for five years in school. But since I started also learning italian I begin to forget french. So if you like please write me, so I can re-learn it again 😃
28, 프랑스에서 옴
정기적인 멤버
February 08, 2015 10:46
February 08, 2015 10:46
If you want i can help you 🙂
23, 프랑스에서 옴
자유로운 멤버
May 05, 2015 18:03
May 05, 2015 18:03
Je peux aussi vous aider 🙂
43, 프랑스에서 옴
새로운 멤버
May 16, 2015 18:31
May 16, 2015 18:31
Coucou je peux t'aider si tu veux.Si vuoi posso aiudarti
28, 영국에서 옴
새로운 멤버
June 08, 2015 16:26
June 08, 2015 16:26
hi I may help if you want
64, 알제리에서 옴
새로운 멤버
July 07, 2015 16:58
July 07, 2015 16:58
bonjour, je suis pret a vous aider en langue francaise. A VOUS bonne chance
30, 프랑스에서 옴
자유로운 멤버
February 23, 2017 18:52
February 23, 2017 18:52
I am french man around 25 and I live in Paris.
My facebook here to chat together :
My YouTube channel link below, tell me if you like my french vocabulary videos by commented them (thumb up) and you can subscribe to my channel
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