French speaker wan't to learn other language !

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Hi everybody !
I'm Paul i've 19year old and I'm French .

I looking for learn an other language because I wan't to travel .
I'm ready for teach French in return of course !

Let's your email on a comment like this:
-Wan't to learn French ? Yes/No

Like this we can talk in English (me) and in French (you) or only in English, Like you wan't

Friendly Paul 🙂

Hi paul!!
I'm Giulia, i'm 15 years old.. i'm italian and i study french at school!!
(this is the 4° year and i'd really like to improve it!!)
You don't write what language you like to learn.. so i say that i can help you in italian..
If you're interesting contact me on this email:
(email hidden)

Bye, see you soon, maybe 🙂

Hi Paul!!!
I'm Julia,I'm 17 years old and I'm from Ukraine.I learn french alone so I need more practise 🙂 & you can help me to know French better 🙂
I can help you to learn Ukrainian and Russian languages. I'll wait for your answer 🙂
My email: Spring_(email hidden)
Julia 🙂

Edited by spring-march .

salut Paul,

je m'apelle Lisa et je suis 15 ans. j'habite en Hollande.
je voudrais perfectioner mon français. tu me veux aider?

j'espère que tu me réponds vite.

mon email c'est: (email hidden)



Edited by -Lisa- .
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