Who can help me better to learn French? Français

I'm Manon, 14 years old and I'm from the Netherlands!
On school we've French, but my French teacher isn't very good, I think.. ;D

So who would help me better to learn French?

-xxx- Manon 😃

Man0n님이 수정했습니다. .

Nobody? Whaha!

Hi ! Me, I can 😉

Hi ! Maybe I can help you if you want 🙂

Je peux t'aider à améliorer ton français si tu le souhaites ! I can help you if you want, But I'm not that good at English 😁

Hey ! I can help you if you want (:
I speak English fluently (I hope ...), so if you need anything you can write me, I will help you without any concern (:

I want learn French too,I think France is super country,I love French music 🙂
Who wants help me? 😁

i can
contact me

If someone need to speak french, I'm here ! 😃
Je suis française, parisienne d'ailleurs.

If you looking for someone who can help you in French i'm here too !

I would be happy to help you with your French 😉

I can help you too.

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