

  • 5
  • 我曾去过的国家和城市

    Peru and Chile (partly, to Arica and its surroundings)

    Perú y Chile (parcialmente, hasta Arica y sus alrededores)

  • 我最骄傲的成就

    Haber alcanzado una personalidad objetiva y de pensamiento constante, que plantea y conoce las cosas que hace.

    My actual state of mind and behaviour of constant thinking; to be someone who thinks about things in advance and knows what to do.

  • 我对其他文化的兴趣

    Not much. I personally prefer to know people rather than cultures. I have been proven wrong when mixing traditions/cultures with people while trying to predict behaviours.

    No mucho, prefiero conocer a las personas por sobre su cultura.

  • 我是……的专家

    Español (lengua madre)
    Inglés (experiencia de años)
    Learning new videogames (Why not?)
    And I can't call myself an expert just because I say so; no actual recognitions from others to be called "expert", but I'd say I'm a good learner overall

  • 个人挑战

    To have interest in people around me. Main reason why I'm here is that: people here are so boring, generic and simple.

  • 最喜欢的书籍/作者/电影

    I don't go by names. Books? I have read some, can't recall names but remember its contents when I'm asked/hear something familiar (Déja Vu). Authors? Again, I don't care who made this or that, I read something and give imy opinion about it without seeing who wrote it, as so, I don't recall the names of the authors either.
    Movies? I like SOME romantic movies... and Brazil! But one movie I might be able to see over and over is Interstellar, for its space scenes, or Bee Movie (for the memes)

  • 在国外居住一年

    Probably the USA, because you can find almost anything at the stores to make cool things! Here is so boring and hard to find actual cool stuff to build or invent

  • 我总是喜欢谈论……

    Everything... except philosophy, psychology and human this, human rights, human blah blah blah... no Tumblr, but other than that, I can talk about ladybugs or black holes for hours (not literally of course)

  • 让世界变得更美好

    To change how money works. Isn't it dumb how you hear in videos "This thing could help THE ENTIRE WORLD, but why aren't we doing it? Because it's too expensive..."

    We made money up, it's not a rule of the universe that prevents us from going beyond, just our stupid necessity of selfish enrichment.

  • 个人技能

    I can talk about anything, no matter how bad, horrible or weird it is. For real.
    I never get offended.
    I can make jokes about anything, from rape and murders, to Knock-knock/who is there? classic jokes.
    I can't feel for humans. Weird, but I have tried, I can't feel or love humans, or maybe I do, but I don't feel like that. If what I feel is what people call "love", then it is absurdly weak and feeble. I mostly like things, never love-

  • 童年的欢乐

    draw some more
    write stories
    did I say eat? eat then

  • 我最近学会了……

    How to use Autodesk Inventor and Visual Basic Studio, also how to integrate/derivate easily

  • 10年后

    in my mother's house. I don't care about sharing place, paying less and giving company to my mom, two birds for one.

  • 我对……感到兴奋

    New Hearthstone expansion! and how the politicians here are going to end up, if in jail or running for their lives

  • 我的与众不同之处

    i can talk all day about anything, as long as the other is interesting. Also, I will not lie and be bluntly sincere if the other allows me.

  • 过去更好

    education. Sure before you were treated like garbage and got hit many times, but you actually cared and developed your studies, while now, everyone is a winner. There are so many awards and prices for anything (at least here) that teens no longer care about their scores or doing well, they just want to "pass it", not know and be good at it for love or personal interest

  • 现在更好

    technology. Obviously, no need to say anything... but the internet is the best thing ever made by humans.

