

  • 3
  • Etwas, das du der Welt erzählen willst

    Hi everyone, I’m Chiara I’m 16 years old and I’m from Milan. I’m looking for a girl or boy to talk also from different countries. So write me😘

  • Lieblingsbuch/-autor/-film

    I love grey’s anatomy is my ossession. But I also like Star Wars, Harry Potter, hunger games. I hope that how will write me loves films.

  • Städte und Länder, die ich besucht habe

    I’ve visited all Italy, London, Barcellona, Marsiglia

  • Für ein Jahr im Ausland leben

    I’d like to live aboard from an year but nowadays COVID don’t permise to travel. However I’d like to travel to the USA because I love that country.

  • In zehn Jahren

    I will become a surgeon. Is my dream since I was 8 but nowadays I’m surer than 8 years ago because I really understand how our body works.

  • Meine größte Errungenschaft

    I’m really good at school and I’m really open to meet new person from other countries to learn their language and culture.

  • Ich bin ein Experte in...

    I’m good in roller skating, with computers or other technologies. I’d like to help because I’m good at this.

  • Eine persönliche Herausforderung

    My own challenge is to go out from my ED because a little years ago he was killing me.

