

  • 6
  • Совет или подсказка

    If you want to speak in french or spanish or english about whatever subject, come talk to me, I'd be glad ! Also if you're interested in coming in France, it'd be awesome to do an exchange !

  • Я люблю поговорить о...

    I always love talking about movies, but I'm open-minded and will be happy to talk about any subject, especially when i'll have to argue endless because you have good arguments 😉

  • Любимые книги/писатели/фильмы

    I'm a Potterhead, I'm able to argument so long to someone who doesn't like to make him love it like I do ! After that I'm keen on SF and other stuffs like The world of the Rings and other classics. About the books, I've loved reading Divergent, Miss Peregrine's peculiar children and other books of that kind.
    Now about the series: I've seen Sense8 (one of my favourites), Shadowhunters, Orphan Black, Black Mirror, Jessica Jones, The Magicians, The 100, Game of Thrones and 13 Reasons why.

  • Города и страны, которые я посетил

    I've gone to nearly all the countries that are on France's boundaries, and once in USA, three years ago

  • Кое-что необычное обо мне

    Many people think I'm crazy because I'm often shameless and I dare what other people don't (so I make my friends ashamed sometimes because people who don't know me don't understand what I'm doing, and I find it quite funny)

  • Я недавно научился...

    I've learned recently how to rollerblade, and I love it so much !

